台北國際藝術博覽會 2024
2024.10.25 - 10.28

2024.10.25 - 10.28
2024.10.25 - 10.28
Venue: Taipei World Trade Center
Booth: F07
Opening: 2024.10.24
Artists: KUSAMA Yayoi, LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu, TSENG Shang-Jie, LI Fei-Wen, Julia HUNG
※Ticket only: https://2024.art-taipei.com/taipei/tw/ticket/
十月秋意漸濃,朝代畫廊即將參加台灣最大規模的藝術盛會《ART TAIPEI 2024台北國際藝術博覽會》,展位為藝廊集錦F07,公眾展期為10月25日至28日。今年的 ART TAIPEI 與首屆台北藝術週聯合舉辦,精彩內容備受期待;屆時,朝代畫廊將於台北世貿一館呈現草間彌生、林餘慶 & 魏杏諭、李翡文、曾上杰、洪郁雯等藝術家的精選作品,誠邀您一同參與這場藝術饗宴,感受創作的無限魅力!
As autumn deepens in October, Dynasty Gallery is set to participate in Taiwan's largest art event, ART TAIPEI 2024. Our booth, Galleries F07, will be open to the public from October 25 to 28. This year's ART TAIPEI will be held in conjunction with the inaugural Taipei Art Week, promising an exciting lineup. Dynasty Gallery will present a selection of works by Yayoi KUSAMA, LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu, LI Fei-Wen, TSENG Shang-Jie, and Julia HUNG at the Taipei World Trade Center. We warmly invite you to join us in this artistic feast and experience the boundless charm of these creations!
Yayoi KUSAMA is a monumental and influential figure in contemporary art history. Known for her prolific output, Kusama's work spans painting, sculpture, performance, film, and large-scale installations. Trained in traditional Japanese painting, she moved to the United States in 1957, quickly gaining acclaim in avant-garde circles across America and Europe with her distinct artistic language. After returning to Japan in 1973, Kusama continued to create innovative works, resonating deeply with the times. Her relentless pursuit of avant-garde practice has made her a global cultural icon in the 21st century. Over a career spanning more than 70 years, Kusama developed a unique core aesthetic and life philosophy, exploring the vastness of nature’s forms and cycles, captivating audiences worldwide.

草間彌生 KUSAMA Yayoi《南瓜》
60.4x72.3cm, Ed.120, 絲網版畫 Silkscreen, 1992
LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsin-Yu have been collaborating for over 16 years. In their creative universe, they balance colors evenly to create works that are rich and smooth in texture. This careful distribution of tones results in a visually harmonious and even composition, with the artists meticulously allocating hues within the busy rhythm of the painting, creating an ecological balance. The interconnected objects within their series lend a synchronicity reminiscent of ancient murals—long stories unfold across a single wall, allowing viewers to explore both the grand narrative and its intricate details. The recurring character “Wulala” serves as their artistic avatar, leading us through the emotional landscape of their work, inviting exploration of their poetic and deeply personal world.

林餘慶&魏杏諭 LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu《冰菓小島 Ice Island》
30x30cm,複合媒材 Mixed media,2024
LI Fei-Wen’s abstract works embody the peace and harmony of nature, capturing fleeting moments where mist, clouds, and light intertwine. These shifting visual elements guide viewers into a serene and beautiful present moment. The fluidity of the compositions evokes natural forms: ethereal mists, ever-changing clouds, plant shapes, and mineral textures. Expansive skies and seas provide the distant backdrop, with light gently shifting and celestial bodies traversing time and space. LI hopes that viewers will quietly experience the healing atmosphere in her works, feeling the nurturing power of nature, and reconnecting with the free-flowing love and emotion within the scenes. Through inner guidance, Li aims to inspire a return to tranquility and presence, drawing unique life paths for each individual.

李翡文 LI Fei-Wen《雷 Thunder》
162x130cm, 壓克力畫布 Acrylic on canvas, 2024
曾上杰專注於木雕創作,他並不追求形體的精確再現,而更注重精神感受的重新詮釋。從繪畫的視角來看待自己的立體作品,曾上杰認為這樣能更好地表達他對世界的內心感知。他在作品中的上色,覆蓋了刀痕所帶來的隨機性,而上色後再剝除部分顏料所形成的曖昧感,則回應了他對雕刻「減法」概念的理解,這也是他對虛實之間的一種探索。在前次個展《萬坪》中,他首次展出了使用纖維複合媒材創作的半立體畫作,而在即將於 ART TAIPEI 展出的最新作品中,相較以往穩重平衡的雕塑,這一系列更加突顯了他對打破均衡狀態的深入思考。
TSENG Shang-Jie specializes in wood carving, focusing less on precise representation and more on reinterpreting emotional experiences. Viewing his sculptures from a painter’s perspective, TSENG finds this approach best expresses his inner perceptions of the world. His application of paint overlays random knife marks, while the ambiguity created by scraping off layers of paint afterward reflects his understanding of the "subtractive" method in sculpture. This process also explores the interplay between the tangible and intangible. In his previous solo exhibition "Wanping", TSENG debuted semi-relief paintings made with fiber composite materials. In his new works for ART TAIPEI, TSENG delves deeper into the idea of breaking balance, contrasting with the stability of his earlier sculptures.
曾上杰 TSENG Shang-Jie《危險電梯》
100x100cm, 畫布、纖維複合媒材 Fiber mixed media on canvas, 2024
洪郁雯擅長以彩色銅線編織為主要技法,透過直覺進行創作,其蛛網般的立體作品跳脫了傳統構圖的框架,任由其與空間、光影自由交織對話,賦予作品「有機性」,延續她對自由意志的探索。此次展出的《Déjà Vu》與《初始狀態》系列,運用柔韌且富有流動特性的彩漆銅線,勾勒出半透視的立體雕塑,使原本印象中堅硬的金屬呈現出輕盈且繽紛的空間感。這些作品不僅在材質上打破了金屬的固有印象,還展現了她對空間與結構的敏銳掌握,創造出一種充滿張力與動感的藝術語言,邀請觀者在其中探索不斷變化的視覺經驗。
Julia HUNG weaves intricate forms from colored copper wire with an intuitive approach. Her ethereal, web-like sculptures transcend traditional composition, engaging with space, light, and shadow to create organic, evolving pieces that reflects her continuous exploration of free will.
In her featured series "Déjà Vu" and "Untamed", HUNG transforms copper wire—typically seen as rigid—into supple, fluid forms. These semi-transparent sculptures challenge material expectations, exuding lightness and vibrancy. Her sophisticated command of space and structure invites viewers to delve into a continually shifting aesthetic landscape, where perception and perspective are in constant flux.
洪郁雯 Julia HUNG 《似曾相識 03 Déjà Vu 03》
27x23x22cm, 彩漆銅線Enamelled copper wire, 2024