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HCW國際講座x朝代畫廊 |

漫威首席角色設計師Anthony Francisco首次來台展

HCW Studio x Dynasty Gallery | 

Marvel Studio's Character Designer Anthony Francisco's Exhibition in Taiwan



展覽日期地點 Date & Venue

2019.05.23 - 06.02

朝代畫廊B館(台北市大安區樂利路43號, 近捷運六張犁站及遠企)

​Dynasty Gallery Hall B (No.43, Leli Road, Da'an Dist., Taipei)

※5.24(五) 為媒體採訪日,下午1點後恕不開放大眾參觀
※5.26(日) 為工作坊日,全日不開放參觀

※not open to public on 05.24 (Fri.) 1PM-7PM & 05.26 (Sun.)

開幕暨媒體發布會 Reception

2019.05.24 (Fri.) 14:00

限媒體記者出席 R.S.V.P.

專題講座 Forum

2019.05.25 (Sat.) 信義誠品6樓展演廳 Eslite Xin-Yi Store 6F Multifunctional Hall

(購票報名中 Ticket Only

設計工作坊 Workshop

2019.05.26 (Sun.) 朝代畫廊B館 Dynasty Gallery Hall B




過去十年漫威宇宙早已席捲全球,影迷們殷殷盼盼的最新系列電影《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》於票房上映首日便刷新票房紀錄,你是否亦為之神魂顛倒了呢!什麼,還不過癮?沒關係,由HCW 國際講座主持,朝代畫廊協力的《漫威首席角色設計師Anthony Francisco首次來台展》將於5月23日至6月2日於朝代畫廊B館快閃展出,眾多活動一次滿足你!


Anthony Francisco是漫威宇宙電影知名角色如《奇異博士》史蒂芬·史傳奇、《驚奇隊長》卡蘿·丹佛斯、《雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏》的浩克與邪神洛基、《星際異攻隊2》的小格魯特、《黑豹》的侍衛長奧科耶…等角色及服裝設計師,為美國知名概念藝術、視覺設計師,曾擔任多部好萊塢科幻電影、電玩遊戲創意總監,目前任職於漫威視覺藝術團隊,負責漫威宇宙電影作品概念藝術設計工作。在他好萊塢18年的工作經驗裡,Anthony參與過無數電影、電玩的概念藝術設計工作以及人物設定,除了近年漫威宇宙電影外,也曾參與《MIB星際戰警2》、《特種部隊:眼鏡蛇的崛起》、《降魔戰警RIPD》......等多部好萊塢科幻電影概念藝術設計工作,為備受業界肯定的大師級人物。







Marvel senior visual development artist Anthony Francisco will be invited to Taipei for a weekend long event on 5/25 and 5/26. Anthony will share his life journey and movie behind the scene with us. 5/25 is a talk and 5/26 is creature design workshop. Anthony's solo art show will be held at Dynasty Gallery from 5/23-6/2.

Anthony Francisco is a Concept Artist/Art Director who has worked on many projects- for both the film and gaming industry. He has created concepts for numerous movies, such as: Men in Black 2, Alien Vs. Predator, Species3, Spiderman, and Chronicles of Riddick (just to name a few). He has also taught character design at Gnomon, Concept Design Academy and the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Arts and has illustrated for Wizards of the Coast's Magic:he Gathering. In 2004 he started his first full time job at NCsoft working on Guild Wars and Tabula Rasa after which he joined Khang Le at Project Offset in 2006. The game got cancelled after 4 years and Anthony finds himself back in the film industry at Rhythm and Hues to work on Seventh Son where he helped visualize the dragons for the film. Other project were RIPD and Percy Jackson - Sea of Monsters

He is currently Senior visual development artist at Marvel Studios. (Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor 2, Ant-man)

主辦單位 Organizer



協辦單位 Co-organiser



贊助單位 Sponser


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