ONE ART Taipei 2022

ONE ART Taipei 藝術台北 2022
2022.01.14 - 16
ONE ART Taipei 2022
2022.01.14 - 16
Venue: The Sherood Taipei (No.111, Sec. 3, Minsheng E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei)
Public Date: 2022.01.15 (Sat.)- 01.16 (Sun.)
VIP Preview: 2022.01.14 (Fri.)
Booth: 1515
Participating Artists: Yayoi KUSAMA, LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu, TSENG Shang-Jie, YU Chih-Han, ZHU Cheng-Lin, TSENG Shih-Yun
※Ticket only: https://www.onearttaipei.com/buyticket
※Please be sure to follow the epidemic prevention measures of the organizer.
朝代畫廊向您宣布,我們即將參展《ONE ART Taipei 2022藝術台北》,展房1515,公眾展期為1月15日至16日於台北西華飯店;今年我們將推出草間彌生、林餘慶&魏杏諭、曾上杰、游智涵、朱承霖與曾詩云等六組藝術家的作品,藉為一時之選,精彩可期。希望藉由本屆ONE ART Taipei,將更多優秀藝術家的作品介紹給您。
Dynasty Gallery is pleased to announce you, we will attend to “ONE ART Taipei 2022”, booth 1515. The public days are 15 to 16 January at the The Sherwood Taipei. This time we will present you the remarkable pieces by Yayoi KUSAMA, LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu, TSENG Shang-Jie, YU Chih-Han, ZHU Cheng-Lin, TSENG Shih-Yun. Hope you enjoy the artists’ work with us!