Takashi Murakami: Limited Prints Collection Exhibition
日期Date 2018.08.13-09.15
地點Venue 朝代畫廊B館(台北市大安區樂利路43號,近六張犁捷運站&遠企)
Dynasty Gallery B (No. 43, Leli Road, Da-An District, Taipei, Taiwan)
村上隆1962年出生,為東京藝術大學博士,2003年村上隆開始與法國知名品牌Louis Vuitton(LV)合作,創造出櫻桃包、櫻花包、LV彩色圖騰包,為該集團帶來清新活潑的形象,挽救了LV老化的危機。2008年獲選美國時代雜誌《100位最具影響力人物》;同年,其雕塑創作《我的寂寞牛仔》於紐約蘇富比拍賣,約5億台幣成交。2010年,於法國凡爾賽宮舉行轟動且爭議的個人回顧展《MURAKAMI VERSAILLES》,引起相當程度討論。2015年,於東京六本木森美術館,舉辦《村上隆,五百羅漢圖大展》。2017年6月,於美國芝加哥當代藝術博物館舉辦大型回顧展《章魚吃掉了自己的腿》。
Dynasty Gallery is honored to present you "Takashi Murakami: Limited Prints Collection Exhibition", which will be held until September 15th. Takashi Murakami is an important artist in Japan. His creations are deeply affected by Japanese Ukiyo-e and anime. He is the founder of the "Superflat" movement, and his works have profoundly influenced the current society and international art world. His works content, including well-known smiling flowers, cartoon characters with erotic meanings, DoB, Dharma and Luohan, and even the skull image of the researching of life essence, are very popular to the public.
Murakami believes that before the Western art input, Japanese culture was not divided into elites or the public, so when he tried to break the elegance and vulgarity with the "Superflat" movement, it was a “return to innocence” to the Japanese; he feels that Japanese mainstream culture is composed of sub-cultures actually. These are the most authentic cultures in Japan, and they can reply the current statement of society.