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Wanping: TSENG Shang-Jie Solo Exhibition

2024.04.20 - 06.08

2024.04.20 - 06.08

地點:朝代畫廊 (台北市大安區樂利路43號)

開幕:2024.04.20 (六) 4PM (藝術家將出席)

Wanping: TSENG SHang-Jie Solo Exhibition

2024.04.20 - 06.08

Venue:Dynasty Gallery (No.43, Leli Road, Da’an District, Taipei) 
Opening: 2024
.04.20(Sat.) 4PM (Artists will be in attendance)




Dynasty Gallery is delighted to announce that we will be hosting the opening event for TSNG Shang-Jie's latest solo exhibition "Wanping" on April 20th, 2024, at 4PM. The exhibition will run until June 8th.


TSENG Shang-Jie has devoted himself to wood carving for many years. His character sculptures, characterized by a sketch-like style, are often inspired by fleeting glances of people on the street and silent observations of the everyday environment from various perspectives, which in turn trigger his inner contemplation of the essence of art. TSENG's works have never aimed for precise representation of real-life; he avoids overly meticulous handling of his pieces to prevent them from feeling as still life. Instead, he excels in addressing "time" in his creations. During the carving process, he leaves traces of various stages such as cutting, sawing, grinding, sketching, and brushing. Whether it's the treatment of color or the marks left by carving tools, there's a rhythm to his work, allowing the pieces to convey a sense of the passage of time and generating more visual variation as a result.

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《獵人10 Hunter 10》

84.5x33.7x21cm, 樟木、壓克力顏料  Campohor, acrylic, 2023



The exhibition is titled "Wanping (in mandarin, Wan refers to ten thousand, while ping is a unit of area, 1 ping = 3.3m2)," reflecting the artist's exploration of the sphere of life and the imagination that accompanies it. One day, TSENG Shang-Jie passed by a green space called "Wanping Park (The park with an area of 33,000 m2)," and the staggering numerical unit sparked his curiosity and wonder. He began pondering what exactly ten thousand ping could represent. However, upon reflection, rather than being bewildered or shocked by the name, the artist found the boundless imagination intriguing. As he embarked on new creations, he gradually realized that the techniques and exploratory attempts in these works were also a form of infinite "expansion." When he thought about it, the first image that came to his mind was that green space.

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新北 New Taipei

25.2x10.5x37cm, 樟木、複合媒材 Camphor, mixed media, 2023



In this exhibition, we can witness TSENG's latest "Park" and "Hunter" series, where the artist expands his creative imagery. He presents scenes with irregular geometric blocks and explores situations where figures and space coexist, broadening his creative vision. Additionally, over the past two years, he has begun exploring the possibilities of fiber materials in his work: incorporating other fiber materials or viewing wood as a type of fiber material. Conscious of the expansion and potential of materials, works like "Parking" emerge, diverging from his usual approach. For TSENG Shang-Jie, this solo exhibition is not only a presentation of his work from the past two or three years but also an opportunity for the artist to reexamine his creative thinking process.

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公園07 Park 07

46x31x60.5cm, 樟木、複合媒材 Camphor, mixed media, 2023

曾上杰1991年生於高雄,取得國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系學士與碩士。過往個展包括《獵人》(2021)、《鏟子》(2019)於朝代畫廊、《透過玻璃》(TRENDS,2018)、《天黑前下山》(小巴廊,2018),近年重要聯展有《ONE ART Taipei》(JR東日本大飯店,2024)、《台北國際藝術博覽會》(世貿一館,2023)、《台灣-日本交流展》(Art Lab A.S.K. & 櫻木畫廊,2023)、《its/它的》(EQUAL=等號,2022)、《生生流轉》(月臨畫廊,2022)、《新黒潮チャンプルー沖縄・台湾現代美術展》(沖繩CAMP TALGANIE artistic farm,2021)、《饗》(天母SOGO,2021)、《打撈》(福溢畫廊,2020)等。他的作品曾獲國立台灣美術館、三義木雕博物館、麗寶文化藝術基金會、精銳建設、滾石唱片等公私立機構收藏肯定。

TSENG Shang-Jie was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 1991 and holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Sculpture from the National Taiwan University of Arts. His past solo exhibitions include "Hunter" (2021), "Shovel" (2019) at Dynasty Gallery, "Through the Glass" (TRENDS, 2018), "Down The Hill, Before Darkness" (44 Art Gallery, 2018). Some of his recent selected group exhibitions include "ONE ART Taipei" (Hotel Metropolitan Premier Taipei, 2024), "Art Taipei" (World Trade Center, 2023), "Taiwan-Japan Exchange Exhibition" (Art Lab A.S.K. & Sakuragi Gallery, 2023), "its" (EQUAL=, 2022), "Sheng Sheng Liu Zhuan" (Moon Gallery, 2022), "Chanpuru" (Okinawa CAMP TALGANIE artistic farm, 2021), "Siang" (Tianmu SOGO, 2021), "DA LAO" (FU YI Gallery, 2020), among others. His works have been collected and recognized by both public and private institutions such as the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Lih Pao Cultural & Art Foundation, Elite Construction, and Rock Records.

​營業時間  Opening Hours

週一(Mon.) - 週六(Sat.) 

11AM - 7PM  

週日休館 Closed on Sunday


​聯繫我們  Contact


41&43 Leli Road, Da-An District, Taipei City, Taiwan

T. +886-2-23770838

F. +886-2-23774030


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