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Unstable Factor: A Group Exhibition of 7 Contemporary Ink Artists


日期Date           2014.01.11 ~03.01

開幕Opening      2014.01.11|PM 4:00

地點Venue         朝代畫廊|台北市大安區樂利路41號

藝術家Artists      吳尚邕、王耀德、陳柏安、江翊民、涂聖群、楊子逸、黃千倫



如果經濟學者告訴 我們現代社會的發展正以都會化為趨勢,那我們也可以說這是一種集體無意識的演進與變遷。人們因為各種原因聚在這塊狹小的土地上,也許是工作無奈,可能是貪 圖享樂,亦或是一種被教條育養出來的使命感,總之我們都在這裡拼命地生活著。不過,有些人卻能在這個已固然成形的龐大群體中發現到些許隱性的違和感,就像 是某個文字讀久了,卻會有種陌生感油然而生。《不安定因素:七人當代水墨聯展》試圖透過一群1980年後出生的藝術家視角,以另一種形式來觀察並挖掘出隱藏在時下社會中的不穩定成分。




陳柏安、江翊民、 黃千倫、涂聖群、王耀德、吳尚邕、楊子逸這七位在台北居住的青年藝術家,也許是因為在城市中的生活經驗使然,即便這些作品所關心的主題各有相異,如:「空間」、「時間」、「海洋」、「自然」、「漂流」、「建築」與「社會議題」,他們的作品內容仍不約而同地反映出城市的某個角度,並透露出一種不穩固及不確定 性。這或許代表著生活在台灣首善之都的人們對於自我定位、甚或是對於城市環境的懷疑及憂慮,「它(我)是不是不夠好?」、「它(我)是不是能夠更好?」之類的問題常會出現在日常之中,然而日常之中的忙碌瑣碎卻又不知不覺地將這些問題給沖散,但沖散不意味著不 存在,就如同有毒物質不管再如何稀釋,仍然是對身體有害。無法成形的意識往往就這樣不自覺地流露在文字、相片、閒話家常之中,不安定且持續地在你我之間存在著。




《不安定因素:七人當代水墨聯展》並不打算告訴你社會與經濟問題之間的千絲萬縷,老實說那麼複雜的問題我們也無從談起;這些藝術家只打算以另一扇窗重新審視著那些一直存在 的蛛絲馬跡,觀者或許會累積危機感,也或許無感;這些不安定因素就像是海平面上的冰山一角,在汪洋中緩緩地漂流著,安靜地等著碰撞的那一天來臨。






Date: 2014.1.11~3.1
Opening: 2014.1.11 (Sat.) 16:00
Venue: Dynasty Gallery (1F, No.41, Leli Rd., Taipei City. Nearby Shangri-La Taipei)
Artists: CHEN Po-An, CHIANG I-Ming, , HUANG Chien-Lun, TU Sheng-Chun, WANG Yao-De, WU Shang-Yung, YANG Zi-Yi







Dynasty Gallery is glad to announce the opening of “Unstable Factor: A Group Exhibition of 7 Contemporary Ink Artists” will be held on 2014.1.11 (Sat.) 16:00. This exhibition will exhibit the works which are created by seven contemporary ink artists as WU Shang-Yung, WANG Yao-De, CHEN Bo-An, CHIANG I-Ming, TU Sheng-Chun, YANG Zi-Yi and HUANG Qian-Lun. The exhibition tries to observe and dig out the instable components which are hidden behind the present society through these artists’ eyes which were born in 1980s.


Maybe due to the City-Living experience, these seven artists who live in Taipei create works with unstable and uncertain elements without prior conclusion, even though all of them have different subjects. It might represent that those people, who live in the capital of Taiwan, are doubting and anxious about their selves’ location or the environment in cities. The questions as “Is it (Am I) not good enough?” and “Could it (I) be better?” are full of our life everyday. However, the questions are usually destroyed by many bustle things unconsciously. It doesn’t mean that they do not exist anymore, they’re still there as after dilution. Unaware, those informing senses reveal into our words, photos, and chit chat, between you and me, sustainably.


“Unstable Factor: A Group Exhibition of 7 Contemporary Ink Artists” examines these details, clues and traces by another window. Maybe viewer will accumulate the sense of danger, maybe not. These unstable factors just like the tip of the iceberg, which float on the boundless seas little by little. They are waiting very quietly, until the impact day is coming.


CHEN Po-An (Hsinchu, 1990); CHIANG I-Ming (Taipei, 1988); HUANG Chien-Lun (Yunlin, 1987); TU Sheng-Chun (Keelung, 1988); WANG Yao-De (Taipei, 1982); WU Shang-Yung (Taipei, 1988); YANG Zi-Yi (Taipei,1988).













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影片 Video
藝術家 Artist
陳柏安 CHEN Po-An
江翊民 CHIANG I-Ming
黃千倫 HUANG Chien-Lun
王耀德 WANG Yao-De
楊子逸 YANG Zi-Yi
​營業時間  Opening Hours

週一(Mon.) - 週六(Sat.) 

11AM - 7PM  

週日休館 Closed on Sunday


​聯繫我們  Contact


41&43 Leli Road, Da-An District, Taipei City, Taiwan

T. +886-2-23770838

F. +886-2-23774030


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