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鏟子 - 曾上杰個展

Trowel: TSENG Shang-Jie Solo Exhibition



日期Date          2019.01.05-03.16

地點Venue             朝代畫廊B館(台北市大安區樂利路43號,近六張犁捷運站&遠企)

                            Dynasty Gallery B (No. 43, Leli Road, Da-An District, Taipei, Taiwan)

開幕Opeing           2019.01.05 (Sat.) 16:00

朝代畫廊欣然向您宣布,我們2019年首檔展覽《鏟子 - 曾上杰個展》將於1月5日至3月16日展出,並於1月5日下午4點舉辦開幕茶會,歡迎您前來,與我們共襄盛舉。曾上杰將於本展呈現他最新的《鏟子》以及《Blue Line Swinger》兩個木雕創作系列。從過往的創作中,不難得知曾上杰對於「人的內在」一直有著濃厚興趣,不管是將潛意識具象化,或是透過人的姿態表現精神覺知,都是為了傳達意識與潛意識之間互依互存的狀態,進而從中衍生思考如何在這種狀態中取得「平衡」?藝術家希望藉由這次個展所尋獲的屬於他的解答,提供諸位作為一種參照內在精神的座標。




《Blue Line Swinger》則是藝術家觀察通勤人們狀態後的心得,作品以共同方向行走的都會人們樣貌,描述著一種定向性。在他的認知內,日常是一種搖擺狀態,如同日復一日上班下班的固定作息、馬路或捷運上穿梭不息的移動人潮,看似應該產生某種輕鬆自在的節拍,然而這節奏實則些許沉重;沒有人知道這樣的曲子會何時停止。曾上杰亦藉由此系列向美國樂隊”Yo La Tengo”的同名歌曲致敬。


不管是《鏟子》帶出的內化衝突,或是《Blue Line Swinger》所暗喻的集體慣性,兩者皆為蟄伏在你我平時生活之中的日常潛意識,這也是藝術家思考出的某種內在平衡狀態──像是氣流結構般徐徐地循環著。


曾上杰1991年生於高雄,於國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系碩士班取得學士與碩士,目前在台北創作。過往個展有《天黑前下山》(小巴廊,台北,2018)、《如影隨形》(國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系實驗展場,新北,2015)、《心靈意象》(麗寶文化藝術基金會彩雲畫廊,台北,2015);重要聯展包括《妖怪季》(未藝術,高雄,2018)、《台灣國際木雕競賽》(三義木雕博物館,苗栗,2017)、《Art Taipei台北國際藝術博覽會》(台北世貿一館朝代畫廊展位,台北,2016)、《KIAF/Art Seoul韓國國際藝術博覽會》(首爾世貿中心COEX,首爾,2016)、《彩雲間》(朝代畫廊,台北,2016)、《木行喚覺:水谷篤司&曾上杰雙個展》(朝代畫廊,台北,2016)、《雲端集銳》(雲清藝術中心,台北,2015)、《台北藝術自由日》(華山1914文化創意產業園區,台北,2014)等。作品曾獲國立台灣美術館、三義木雕博物館、麗寶藝術文化基金會、精銳建設以及私人藏家收藏。


Dynasty Gallery is pleased to announce you, that we will hold the opening of TSENG Shang-Jie’s latest solo exhibition “Trowel” at 4PM on 5 Jan. 2019. The exhibition will be held from the same day to 16 Mar. TSENG Shang-Jie will present his newest two wooden sculpture series “Trowel” and “Blue Line Swinger” in this exhibition. From the past creations, TSENG has always had a strong interest in “the inner of human”. Whether it is to visualize the subconscious or to express the spirit directly through the human posture, it all about to convey the state of mutual dependence between consciousness and subconsciousness. What derived from it is, how to achieve "balance" in this state? Through this solo exhibition, the artist hopes to find the answer that belongs to him.


In the "Trowel" series of the same name as the exhibition, the artist tries to create a movie scene with action films. The two groups of characters "digger" and "security guard" represent the "digging deep inside" and "self-defense mechanism" respectively, they also present a state of "ego repressed id". They may be present current conflicts in the inner values, or some self-contradictory and entangled personality. The characters bringing the dramatic tension and the overall low-centered of the works make people can't help but curiously go to explore the expressions and gestures of the works.


The "Blue Line Swinger" is the experience of the artist after observing the state of the commuters. The works of the urban chracters walking in the common direction describe the directionality. In his cognition, every day is a kind of swing state, just like in the Blue Line of Taipei MRT, being on and getting off duty, stable and constant moving, seemingly should produce relaxed beats. But this rhythm is a little bit heavy: no one knows when such a song will stop. TSENG Shang-Jie who is a member of a band, also use this series to pay tribute to the song of the same name by the American band "Yo La Tengo".


Whether the internalization conflict in “Trowel”, or the collective inertia of the "Blue Line Swinger", both of which are the daily subconscious in our daily life. And this is also the result of the artist's thinking. A momentary balance - like an airflow structure circulates smoothly.


TSENG Shang-Jie was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 1991. He got master’s degree in Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts. Currently lives and works in Taipei. His past solo exhibitions were “Down the Hill” (44 Gallery, Taipei, 2018), “Inseparable” (National Taiwan University of the Arts Department of Sculpture Experimental Exhibition, Taipei, 2015) and “Mind Imagery” (Lih Pao Cultural & Art Foundation, Tsaiyun Gallery, Taipei, 2015). He attended to many group exhibitions such as “Monster Festival” (WinWin Art, Kaohsiung, 2018), "Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Competition" (Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Miaoli, 2017), "Art Taipei" (Dynasty Gallery’s booth at Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, 2016), "KIAF / ART SEOUL" (Dynasty Gallery’s booth at Seoul COEX, Seoul, 2016), "The Sculpture Project of Iridescent Clouds" (Dynasty Gallery, Taipei, 2016), "The Sensation Summoned From Wood: Atsushi Mizutani & Tseng Shang-Jie Wood Sculpture Duo Exhibition" (Dynasty Gallery, Taipei, 2016), "Up and Comers in Clouds" (Elsa Art Gallery, Taipei, 2015), "Taipei Free Art Fair" (Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Industry Park, Taipei,2014). TSENG’s work has collected by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Lih Pao Cultural & Art Foundation, Jinray Construction Co., Ltd. and private collectors.

​營業時間  Opening Hours

週一(Mon.) - 週六(Sat.) 

11AM - 7PM  

週日休館 Closed on Sunday


​聯繫我們  Contact


41&43 Leli Road, Da-An District, Taipei City, Taiwan

T. +886-2-23770838

F. +886-2-23774030


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